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William Brian "The Brain" Williams.
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Elmo's Weekly Rant

Rantmaster ElmoBack in 2000 -2001 I published a semi-weekly email newsletter called "Elmo's Weekly Rant", which went out to over 60 people.

The "rant" was very much like an extension of this site--I tried to do the same things with it.  I included personal anecdotes wherever applicable because the majority of my readers are personal friends who might actually care about what is going on in my life (or at least I am self-deluded enough to believe this). I also included comedy where ever possible--because with all of the nasty stuff going on in the world today, if you can't just sit back and laugh at it sometimes it will drive you insane. I occasionally even tried to include a touch of romance and intrigue, to keep my female readers interested. But most of all, I kept it chocked full of politically incorrect, no-holds-barred, no-stone-unturned political/cultural commentary that shoots straight from the hip and takes no prisoners.

It took a while, but I built a forum for the rant, so I could share my words of wisdom with the entire world.  And where everyone who disagrees (or better yet, agrees wholeheartedly) could chime in with their own opinions.